AeroModeller Magazine December 2023

  • $8.75
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We now carry AeroModeller magazine from the UK!  Every issue is dedicated to model building and flying with a focus on Free Flight, Control Line and some R/C, including tips and tricks, and free plans for models you can build!  

Each month, we will carry a limited number of copies, so get yours while you can!  If you only want the magazine, see below for a special coupon.

The December 2023 issue includes:

FREE PLAN – Currie Wot 16" span biplane for rubber power
This homebuilt biplane scale model got life from a 3-view the designer found in a 1965 AeroModeller!  Why not build a model not often seen?!  16" span Andy Sephton design.

Event Coverage
LOTS of event coverage in this issue, including: 2023 Free Flight World Championships (2 articles), Old Warden Festival of Flight, British Nationals combat, Open Speed Nats, plus many other meets are covered.

'Cover to Cover' Winter 2023
Several book reviews for some interesting books you will want to add to your aircraft library!

Control Line
Many articles on control line, as usual.

    ...and much more!!

U.S. Customers ordering ONLY AeroModeller magazine, use coupon code AMONLY2 at checkout.  We will send you the magazine in an envelope and you will save $6.00 in shipping charges!  This coupon can only be used when you are ordering the magazine with no other items   


You may use the coupon code for up to 2 copies of the magazine only.