AeroModeller Magazine December 2021

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We now carry AeroModeller magazine from the UK!  Every issue is dedicated to model building and flying with a focus on Free Flight, Control Line and some R/C, including tips and tricks, and free plans for models you can build!  

Each month, we will carry a limited number of copies, so get yours while you can!  If you only want the magazine, see below for a special coupon.

The December 2021 issue includes:

FREE PLAN – Piccalilli for Mini RC or Free Flight
36" span old-school power pod model glider which could work with a .010 or .020 gas engine or modern electric motors.  For RC, 2-3 channels would do the job!  Simple design with sheetwood wings.

CL Nationals - 4 articles!
Lots of CL UK Nationals model flying covered in 4 articles; Team Racing; F2B, Classic and Vintage and CL Aerobatics; CL Carrier Deck and CL Combat.  14 pages of coverage!     

E.D. Engines
Part 3 - later engine production.

Eze Tissue
In-depth article about using this great new tissue from Deluxe Materials

Flying Aces
UK 'silent only' (no gas) models contest with an emphasis on scale and classic models.  

1909 Bleriot X1
Details on building a Pioneer Scale model from the talented Peter Fardell.  Spectacular model details are all covered.

    ...and much more!!

U.S. Customers ordering ONLY AeroModeller magazine, use coupon code AMONLY at checkout.  We will send you the magazine in an envelope and you will save $6.50 in shipping charges!  This coupon can only be used when you are ordering the magazine with no other items  


You may use the coupon code for up to 2 copies of the magazine only.