AeroModeller Magazine March 2022

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We now carry AeroModeller magazine from the UK!  Every issue is dedicated to model building and flying with a focus on Free Flight, Control Line and some R/C, including tips and tricks, and free plans for models you can build!  

Each month, we will carry a limited number of copies, so get yours while you can!  If you only want the magazine, see below for a special coupon.

The March 2022 issue includes:

FREE PLAN 1 – No-cal ME-109
Profile scale rubber powered free flight model.  Full-size plans and markings which can be copied onto tissue for a realistic-looking model.  Designed by Andy Blackburn.

FREE PLAN 2 – Back Garden Bleriot
Peter Fardell offers a fun, simple to build rubber-powered 'stand-off scale' model.  13" wingspan with sheetwood wings and a minimal number of parts for a quick build!   

BMK Products Beacon Electronic Tracking System Review
Another clever device to track your models.  Reviewed in detail with tips on use.

Low Wing Stability
Discussion of the challenges and tips for flying low-wing models successfully. 

The Tomboy
Classic free flight model - the history of a charming design by Vic Smeed. 

Control Line Combat Story Part 5
Vintage control line models and history.  Imagine when a CL competition was flown in a professional soccer stadium!

    ...and much more!!

U.S. Customers ordering ONLY AeroModeller magazine, use coupon code AMONLY at checkout.  We will send you the magazine in an envelope and you will save $6.50 in shipping charges!  This coupon can only be used when you are ordering the magazine with no other items  


You may use the coupon code for up to 2 copies of the magazine only.